mIRC Users

mIRC users should not have a problem in TurboIRC . The event mechanism is described well in Pirch Users . TurboIRC has lots of features already found in mIRC . This section shows you how mIRC identifiers are translated in TurboIRC

  1. $abs -> abs()
  2. $asc -> asc()
  3. $calc -> You can directly make calculations
  4. $chr -> chr()
  5. $sin , $asin , $cos , $acos , $tan , $atan -> sin() , asin() , cos() , acos() , tan() , atan()
  6. $count -> strlen()
  7. $int -> atoi()
  8. $left , $mid , $right , $remove , $replace -> strcpy() and other String Functions ( more flexible string functions )
  9. $rand -> Random()
  10. $round -> round()
  11. $strip -> strstrip()
  12. $lower , $upper -> strlwr() , strupr()
  1. $address -> Mask()
  2. $mask -> DefaultBanFromMask() and GetMask() . mIRC's mask has only 9 methods , TurboIRC has 15 .
  3. $ial -> GetUserDomain and other user functions .
  4. $lever -> GetUserLevel / Data / String
  5. $me -> $mynick
  6. $nick -> GetNick() , GetNickLevel() , GetFormattedNick() and other IRC Functions.
  7. $nopnick -> GetNickLevel() type and IsOp , IsOwner etc functions .
  1. $apparative -> $Apparative
  2. $active -> $ActivatedWindow
  3. $chan -> Superseded by $TotalAAWindowsActive , $TotalChannels , $TotalQueries , and IRC and Window functions .
  1. $? is superseded by AskInput() and GetSelection() .
  2. $away is to be get , as other information from GetWOPTIONS and GetSOPTIONS().
  3. $host , $email etc -> $MyLocalIP , $MyMail , $MyDomain etc
  4. $server and $port from GetSOPTIONS() .
  5. $usermode -> GetClientMode()